HIPAA Compliance

At Ameya, the risks to the organization’s information assets and information processing facilities are properly identified and handled adequately using various regulatory standards. As part of our transcription training, we conduct an annual HIPAA Confidentiality Training Program for all our personnel handling transcription-related information on various aspects of HIPAA privacy and security laws.

We train all members of our workforce on the policies and procedures related to PHI under HIPAA, as necessary and appropriate according to the function of each member’s position within the workforce. We have a security awareness and training program for all workforce members, including those in management.

The security awareness and training program includes the following, but is not limited to:

  •  Periodic security updates.
  • Protection from malicious software.
  • Monitoring of attempts to log-in to the system and the reporting of discrepancies.
  • Procedures for creating, changing, and safeguarding passwords.
  • Maintaining virus-free systems by installing and regularly updating anti-virus solutions.